![]() A big part of the female tantric path has always been about how to awaken your wild woman. In ancient stories of Tantrikas of the past, we often hear about men who followed a monastic and meditative path meeting with wild tantric women who had been living in jungles of forests or even graveyards! There are several stories from Tibet and India that follow this trajectory. These women became their gurus, initiatresses and lovers! Often the men would leave their books, their discipline and their structure and go have wild experiences with these women! The Dakinis of ancient Tantra were wild women indeed... In more modern times, teacher Daniel Odier went to India looking for Tantra teaching, and ended up being drawn towards a wild woman, Lalita Devi, living in the jungle. She put him through a series of initiations (beautifully written about in his book, "Tantric Quest"). Many of his initiations involved nature, such as being left alone, naked and covered in ashes, in the jungle for three days and three nights. From this wild woman, Daniel Odier received his initiation into Tantra and return ed to the West to teach. So what is this wild woman archetype and why is it important that we awaken her? Tantra is a path that leads us to our authentic self, and this is done by reclaiming pieces that were abandoned in the past, and reawakening that energy. When we abandon a part of ourself, we suppress it and block the flow of life force and emotions that go with it. We reject these parts because we get the message that we will not be accepted into society if we express that aspect. So in order to be accepted we banish our wild woman. However, we lose all that life force, aliveness and sexuality that comes with that part. At first, this banishment feels OK. We are accepted into society and have a calm and regular life. But over time, we start to feel the longing for this part to return. It's as if we locked Wild Woman in the basement and we start to hear her calling to be let out. Something is dead, dull, lifeless. We know there is more. This especially shows up in our sexuality, when we have a nagging sense that we are holding something back, that there is more, that there is some sort of hidden passion and energy just waiting to explode. THAT is Wild Woman! Wild Woman is Awakening...So you feel the calling. Now what? It somehow doesn't feel easy to just "be wild". We have spent a lifetime learning to be civilized and acceptable! We also carry fear-based beliefs such as to be wild is to be crazy. Or if you let this out you will be "too much". And of course, the belief that we will be rejected. "Just lie back and think of England" our ancestors coached their daughters...it is safer to put up with sex that you don't really enjoy rather than get involved and start taking your pleasure. But at some point we simple cannot endure that anymore. Nice girl has laid back and smiled sweetly, endured and allowed ENOUGH! We are ready to stand up and ROAR. Wild woman is awakening. Safe to be WildSo what to do now? As mentioned, it can feel really challenging to just "be wild", as we have spent a lifetime learning to put blocks to that energy. There can be the feeling that if we start to let that energy express, it might never stop. It can feel scary and overwhelming. So find a space that can hold it. This is one of the biggest gifts of female Tantra groups. There are spaces in which you are held and safe to go wild, step by step. And why step by step? Because awakening energy affects the entire nervous system and if we let too much out all at once, the system can feel overwhelmed and go into a kind of shut down! So actually the best way is express a bit, meditate on the sensations, integrate, repeat. And all in a held space with people there who have already been through the process. In this way, you start to feel safe with this energy, the energy from deep within you, that longs to express and dance and shake and orgasm! Five Ways to Awaken your Wild WomanAs mentioned, this can be a BIG energy, so it is recommended to find a group for your process (ours is Tao Tantric Arts, and we have many facilitators worldwide) There are several great methods to awaken Wild Woman, and these are my top 5:
What about the Men?Is Wild Woman a threat to men? Not at all. Men may be afraid of her, and there are all sorts of myths around the danger of wild sexual women (e.g. vagina dentata is the fear of a vagina having teeth that will bite off the penis!). Yet actually, most men who learn to surrender (and yes it IS a surrender) to Wild Woman, discover a sexual ecstasy that they could never find without her! For Wild Woman allows massive amounts of sexual and orgasmic energy to course through her body, and she invites her lovers to dissolve into this cascade with her. In the mainstream, the feminine ideal is often a barbie-like submissive woman. But in Tantra, she is a wild energetic and orgasmic woman. Men may be afraid of Wild Woman as they have often been taught to see her as a threat to their power. But through experience they see that though she is powerful, it is not a power OVER others, it is the power of Creation itself, the power of nature. A woman's body can transmit this energy in such an incredible way as our bodies were designed as a portal for birth. So sisters, follow your calling and awaken the Wild Woman within!Dive into a Deep Journey with other Women![]() The Tao Tantric Arts five-week journey is a training for women who want to lead other women. We will show you how to create a space for awakening and activation of energies, as well as integration and embodiment. From trauma healing to full body orgasm, we explore the full range from our deepest fears to our most expanded desires. If you feel the calling to join, then visit: www.taotantricarts.com Comments are closed.