Tantric Sex. There’s a lot of hype about it! Most people have an idea that its sex that goes on and on. Others have heard that there is no ejaculation. However, not so many people know that it is a whole new reprogramming of the way we handle sexual energy. You see, in most porn and sexual movies we see a style of building sexual energy up against tension. Once the tension can’t hold the sexual energy any more, it releases in a big burst known as a “climax orgasm”. It’s a bit like filling up a balloon with water…and when the balloon cannot take it anymore it bursts, releasing all the water. Tantrics regard this as a loss of energy. It is a loss of energy…after a climax many people feel tired and want to roll over and sleep! Over time, a lot of climax-orgasm sex will actually deplete your vitality. But even more than that, you never get the opportunity to build energy. Tantrics discovered that if sexual energy is built up over time, the individual can lift their vibration to a higher level…increasing vitality, healing and even levels of consciousness! When most people first hear the suggestion of letting go of climax orgasm, they immediately feel resistance. Why would you want to give up something that brings you a sense of release and relief? In an otherwise-stressful lifestyle, climax orgasm may feel like your ultimate solution! However, tantrics will urge you to try otherwise, as a whole new world of possibilities exists. So why would we consider climax orgasm an addiction? If we use climax orgasm regularly, then we start to get used to releasing tension through the orgasm. Thus we feel we need it to discharge stress. But it’s not really the most pleasant way to come to a lover for making love….simply as a means of dumping our stress! In contrast, those who start to move into the alternative: full body orgasm, discover that they no longer feel the urge to dump their tension! In fact, they tend to feel less stress in life over all. When we build our levels of vitality, we have more internal resources to meet the challenges of life, and thus we find life less stressful! It’s a win-win situation. So much of the porn industry makes use of the addictive quality of climax orgasm. People who watch porn regularly can start to feel as if they need it to release their tension. In fact it becomes less and less about really surrendering to pleasure, and more about releasing pent up stress. Tantra offers a way out. Tantra offers a whole reboot to our relationship with sex and sexual energy. Tantra offers us a way to stay relaxed as we feel sexual energy and let the energy build and rise up into our whole body….beyond the genitals and into huge pleasurable waves of bliss that fill the whole body and even seems to go beyond the body! Instead of meeting sexual arousal with contractions of muscles, with tightening up, with building resistance to it….instead of that we learn to surrender to the energy. This can lead to an experience so much more vast than a tiny localised genital orgasm.
And gradually the addictive quality of sex is diminished. It is not sought out as a means to release pressure. Rather, it is received as a tremendous gift from life that allows us to meet another in love and bliss and ecstasy. Sexual union can become an experience that can take you beyond everyday life, into experiences that uplift you and open your mind. When sexual energy rises up into the head and the brain, one can experience the state of “no-mind”…a blissed-out state in which all thoughts subside for a time, and the individual is simply in ecstasy. This is the meditation of the tantric. So if you find yourself seeking sex as a way to release a build up of tension within, consider exploring the alternatives. It can take some time and practice to move into tantric love making, but it is can be a life-changing choice. It is best to learn tantric techniques with a qualified teacher or therapist from a reputable school. Tao Tantric Arts offer one-month trainings for those who wish to really dive in deeply. It is recommended that you develop a previous practice of meditation and self-development. Comments are closed.